I Was Raised in a Cult
A cult of commercialism and materialism. I worshiped daily at this cult’s altar and made my ritual sacrifices… consuming animal flesh under a spell of ignorance. My Mantras? Sex Sells. If it Bleeds, it Leads. My idols? Celebrities, Athletes, The “Rich & Famous”. After many years of brainwashing, abuse, mental & emotional manipulation… I have been rescued from the illusory clutches of such cultic indoctrination. If you have a moment to spare I will ecstatically tell you how.
Tele-Vision: The Altar of Tamasic Propaganda

Television has long been a platform for propaganda, manipulation, and psychological conditioning. Advertisements, news outlets, and entertainment programs feed us a distorted version of reality.
This False reality is Scientifically and Psychologically engineered:
- To be dynamically captivating, yet never fully satisfying. To addict us.
- To hijack our mental/emotional energy
- To Extract "Endless Profit" by means of "Endless Exploitation"
- To reinforce False Egoic Identity
This all distracts us from what truly matters in life. Even meal times often revolve around this flashing, screeching electronic box! The alluring glow of the screen blinds us. Blinds us from the depth of human connection that we sacrifice for the sake of “entertainment”. As families eat in front of a screen... disconnected from each other's presence. Most dangerously, disconnected from Krishna's presence!
Constant bombardment of advertising shapes our desires and ambitions. Television unduly makes Celebrities and Athletes famous. These falsely-forged material heroes tell us the acquisition of MORE, Always MORE… this is the true way! Awash in an ocean of nescience… this truly is cultic idolatry at its most detrimental.
Acquisition of material possessions becomes the illusory means to lead a happy, successful life. The addiction to materialism subtly takes hold. Those who don’t adhere to this Cult of Materialism are deemed as “strange”, “other”, or worse “A threat”. People often find themselves experiencing a sense of "boredom" when the television is not around, indicating withdrawal symptoms similar to addiction.
The addictive nature of video games provides an even more powerful illustration. Seeking solace and distraction… individuals, particularly young people, turn to video games as a stimulating coping mechanism. These immersive virtual worlds offer false notions of “escapism”. Coupled with a rise of aspiring young "influencers" & “content creators”; this entire culture of addictive distraction can hijack ambition, focus, and even result in skipping school. The consequences of this addiction are far-reaching. Children especially are negatively affected in the realms of mental health, relationships, and personal growth.
Sadly, I used to be one of these children of commercialism and materialism.
From Tele-Vision to Transcendental-Vision!
(Shuba Vilas Govinda Das and I at Sadhu Sanga in Dallas, Texas 2023)
Recently, I have joined the wonderful devotees of ISKCON Tampa to learn about Krishna Consciousness. I have had the distinct honor to attend many wonderful events, and even been invited into the homes of devotees for Vedic Discussions, Kirtan, & Prasadam! At one such event I was sitting down for Prasadam. My revered and kind-hearted teacher Shubha Vilas Govinda Das told me about an annual gathering of devotees in Dallas, Texas called “Sadhu Sanga”. I was immediately intrigued by the name itself, let alone the prospect of such joyous kirtan and wonderful association! I immediately told him I would go without thinking of logistics.
As we started talking about all the costs, I realized that I wouldn’t comfortably have enough money to attend. However, my lament was suddenly replaced with a truly blissful solution. Without even thinking I said to my teacher, “You Know, I have this really expensive TV. I should just get rid of it and Install some Deities on the TV stand instead.” I saw a huge smile begin to appear on his face as he replied, “Ah, yes, From Television to Transcendental Vision! This is real TV!" As we both laughed at this fortunate opportunity for blissful renunciation, I contemplated further.
Life often gives us challenges. In this situation I could have remained attached to my television and missed Sadhu Sanga. OR! I could connect the dots. To see this as an opportunity to surrender to Krishna! An opportunity to transform an Altar of Material Bondage into an Altar of Transcendental Liberation. To build atop that same “TV Stand” where sat my Television…
An Altar to learn, through direct experience, how to submissively approach Guru. How to assist Guru's service to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna with Devotion! By the mercy of ISKCON Tampa devotees I was given Japa Mala Beads for Maha-Mantra Meditation. I was also gifted items & books on how to properly make Bhoga offerings, how to honor Prasadam, even how to offer Arati at home! My heart leaps for joy each time I pick up my little bell, chant the associated sanskrit prayers, and help offer Krishna a plate of vegetarian food!
Bringing the Centerpiece of the Home Back To Godhead!

I tell friends and well-wishers often:
I Aspire to Inspire!
My hope, dear reader, is that you too are inspired. Thank you so much for your time and attention. By renouncing Television… and choosing Transcendental Vision!!!, we consciously choose to disengage from the material world’s commercialized agenda.
Instead, we invite Krishna into our homes and hearts. We create an environment conducive to spiritual growth. The home becomes a sacred space where we connect with the higher consciousness and seek solace from the chaos of the world.
This symbolically can be extended to ALL screens which captivate us into material bondage. As much as possible Smartphones & Tablets should be used as “Tools” otherwise we are “Made to be Fools.”
The decision to make Devotional Service the centerpiece of my home signifies a shift in priorities and values. Rather than dedicating prime mental and physical space to a screen that promotes superficiality; I have dedicated it to an altar that symbolizes love, devotion, and spiritual enlightenment. The presence of Krishna in our homes serves as a constant reminder of our Spiritually-Transcendent aspirations!
Transcendentally Anchored. In a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Your Humble Servant & Well-Wisher,
Philip Lamar
Hare Krishna
By Admin / 20 July 2023
From Tele-Vision to Transcendental-Vision !
I Was Raised in a Cult
A cult of commercialism and materialism. I worshiped daily at this cult’s altar and made my ritual sacrifices… consuming animal flesh under a spell of ignorance. My Mantras? Sex Sells. If it Bleeds, it Leads. My idols? Celebrities, Athletes, The “Rich & Famous”. After many years of brainwashing, abuse, mental & emotional manipulation… I have been rescued from the illusory clutches of such cultic indoctrination. If you have a moment to spare I will ecstatically tell you how.
Tele-Vision: The Altar of Tamasic Propaganda

Television has long been a platform for propaganda, manipulation, and psychological conditioning. Advertisements, news outlets, and entertainment programs feed us a distorted version of reality.
This False reality is Scientifically and Psychologically engineered:
- To be dynamically captivating, yet never fully satisfying. To addict us.
- To hijack our mental/emotional energy
- To Extract "Endless Profit" by means of "Endless Exploitation"
- To reinforce False Egoic Identity
This all distracts us from what truly matters in life. Even meal times often revolve around this flashing, screeching electronic box! The alluring glow of the screen blinds us. Blinds us from the depth of human connection that we sacrifice for the sake of “entertainment”. As families eat in front of a screen... disconnected from each other's presence. Most dangerously, disconnected from Krishna's presence!
Constant bombardment of advertising shapes our desires and ambitions. Television unduly makes Celebrities and Athletes famous. These falsely-forged material heroes tell us the acquisition of MORE, Always MORE… this is the true way! Awash in an ocean of nescience… this truly is cultic idolatry at its most detrimental.
Acquisition of material possessions becomes the illusory means to lead a happy, successful life. The addiction to materialism subtly takes hold. Those who don’t adhere to this Cult of Materialism are deemed as “strange”, “other”, or worse “A threat”. People often find themselves experiencing a sense of "boredom" when the television is not around, indicating withdrawal symptoms similar to addiction.
The addictive nature of video games provides an even more powerful illustration. Seeking solace and distraction… individuals, particularly young people, turn to video games as a stimulating coping mechanism. These immersive virtual worlds offer false notions of “escapism”. Coupled with a rise of aspiring young "influencers" & “content creators”; this entire culture of addictive distraction can hijack ambition, focus, and even result in skipping school. The consequences of this addiction are far-reaching. Children especially are negatively affected in the realms of mental health, relationships, and personal growth.
Sadly, I used to be one of these children of commercialism and materialism.
From Tele-Vision to Transcendental-Vision!
(Shuba Vilas Govinda Das and I at Sadhu Sanga in Dallas, Texas 2023)
Recently, I have joined the wonderful devotees of ISKCON Tampa to learn about Krishna Consciousness. I have had the distinct honor to attend many wonderful events, and even been invited into the homes of devotees for Vedic Discussions, Kirtan, & Prasadam! At one such event I was sitting down for Prasadam. My revered and kind-hearted teacher Shubha Vilas Govinda Das told me about an annual gathering of devotees in Dallas, Texas called “Sadhu Sanga”. I was immediately intrigued by the name itself, let alone the prospect of such joyous kirtan and wonderful association! I immediately told him I would go without thinking of logistics.
As we started talking about all the costs, I realized that I wouldn’t comfortably have enough money to attend. However, my lament was suddenly replaced with a truly blissful solution. Without even thinking I said to my teacher, “You Know, I have this really expensive TV. I should just get rid of it and Install some Deities on the TV stand instead.” I saw a huge smile begin to appear on his face as he replied, “Ah, yes, From Television to Transcendental Vision! This is real TV!" As we both laughed at this fortunate opportunity for blissful renunciation, I contemplated further.
Life often gives us challenges. In this situation I could have remained attached to my television and missed Sadhu Sanga. OR! I could connect the dots. To see this as an opportunity to surrender to Krishna! An opportunity to transform an Altar of Material Bondage into an Altar of Transcendental Liberation. To build atop that same “TV Stand” where sat my Television…
An Altar to learn, through direct experience, how to submissively approach Guru. How to assist Guru's service to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna with Devotion! By the mercy of ISKCON Tampa devotees I was given Japa Mala Beads for Maha-Mantra Meditation. I was also gifted items & books on how to properly make Bhoga offerings, how to honor Prasadam, even how to offer Arati at home! My heart leaps for joy each time I pick up my little bell, chant the associated sanskrit prayers, and help offer Krishna a plate of vegetarian food!
Bringing the Centerpiece of the Home Back To Godhead!

I tell friends and well-wishers often:
I Aspire to Inspire!
My hope, dear reader, is that you too are inspired. Thank you so much for your time and attention. By renouncing Television… and choosing Transcendental Vision!!!, we consciously choose to disengage from the material world’s commercialized agenda.
Instead, we invite Krishna into our homes and hearts. We create an environment conducive to spiritual growth. The home becomes a sacred space where we connect with the higher consciousness and seek solace from the chaos of the world.
This symbolically can be extended to ALL screens which captivate us into material bondage. As much as possible Smartphones & Tablets should be used as “Tools” otherwise we are “Made to be Fools.”
The decision to make Devotional Service the centerpiece of my home signifies a shift in priorities and values. Rather than dedicating prime mental and physical space to a screen that promotes superficiality; I have dedicated it to an altar that symbolizes love, devotion, and spiritual enlightenment. The presence of Krishna in our homes serves as a constant reminder of our Spiritually-Transcendent aspirations!
Transcendentally Anchored. In a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Your Humble Servant & Well-Wisher,
Philip Lamar
Hare Krishna